Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Hot Hot Hot

It's heating up in Laos....a scorching 95 degrees today!!!!

Good thing I'm headed to Chiang Mai for the weekend....not that it's any cooler there but at least our fancy hotel has a pool!!!!! Woohoo!!!! 4 day weekend of pool lounging, napping, reading, shopping and eating tasty Thai foods. I'll be sure to play the tourist part and take lots of photos. Hopefully we'll make it to a yoga class or two as well. Maybe a run also.....seeing as how I ran my first mile since "the injury". Granted it was on a treadmill but I figure I'm well on my way. It's so nice to be able to get some exercise again. I've been doing yoga but my cardio has been nonexistant.

Ian has even inspired me and I'm thinking I can make some kind of running goal for when I get back to the US (running outside in Laos, can you say heatstroke!). He's been throwing around the idea of a marathon. Not sure I'm that ambitious but something along that same vein. We'll see. It would at least help with motivation to get to the gym. Of course, when it's the height of hot season, I'll probably go there just for the AC.

Other than the sweltering temps, life in Laos is going well. I've been meeting a ton of Americans lately, which has it's pros and cons. I met a couple last night from Santa Cruz, who were lamenting the lack of good mexican food in Laos (Garrett close your ears). The guy grew up in Seattle and when I told him I was from Winlock, he came up with the fact that it's near Toledo....I love when the world feels small.

That has been by far one the best things about my adventure so far. Meeting lots of great people. People with different perspectives on the world. Meeting lots of people from different countries and getting outside the small American view. Oh and the fruit. I've been living on tasty papaya, mango, watermelon, etc.

1 comment:

  1. I don't suppose there are guava? I love them, but they must not transport well. I am so jealous of the fruit!
