Saturday, September 8, 2012

Indochina Regional Conference

Indochina Regional Conference on Clubfoot and Cerebral Palsy is officially in the books. The 2012 ISPO
short course finished on Friday and I know that I speak for all of the COPE staff when I say Hallelujah! If I didn't appreciate all the work behind the scenes of international conferences before, I surely do now.

Luckily, this conference was on something I have a strong interest in and investment in teaching the local staff and learning myself. So I was invested in the conference well beyond just making sure the logistics came together on cue. I did my best to work with the presenters to ensure that their topics fit the developing country context and were appropriately targeted to reach the majority of the audience. I think this was the difficult aspect of the conference and while I do fear that a large amount of the information was well above the Lao staff comprehension, overall I think there were a lot of good take home points.

For me, the most important part were the hands-on sessions that happened Thursday and Friday. The P&Os had four cerebral palsy patients who needed AFOs. The 28 participants were split into 6 groups and every group casted a patient. The two instructors, Roy Bowers and Karyn Ross, also casted patients as demonstrations. Roy and Karyn are two P&O instructors from Strathclyde University in Glasgow Scotland. They both have immense experience in CP orthotic treatment and have some strong opinions about methods.

While I don't feel like anything they discussed was new to me, it was a great refresher and a great discussion of one particular method of approach. My colleague, Temali, a Paeds PT, and I plan to follow up with another training in early Oct to review the lessons taught and have the participants revisit their new skills.

The patients who volunteered for the conference were all great. Super cute kids and very cooperative, given that they were constantly surrounded by 20+ people. All in all, I think the conference was a success and well worth celebrating with a nice, long holiday in Thailand.

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