Monday, July 23, 2012

Elephant Tower

Sunday, we decided to get out of Vientiane briefly and find some reprieve in nature. We headed up to Ban Na, a little village north of Vientiane where there is an elephant tower. Supposedly, you can sleep overnight in the tower and potentially see elephants that come to visit the salt lick nearby.

Elephant elephants in sight though.

CANNON BALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunbathing after a swim. Not quite Pe Ell though.

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Our Lao guide doing a flip....quite impressive.

The Lao guides must think we foreigners are ridiculous. They practically carry us across all the streams.

So serene.

We only went for a day trip and had been told by friends that the likelihood of seeing elephants is slim to none. So instead we went for a nice trek and swim. A couple cannon balls and some lounging in the sun, what better way to spend a Sunday.

1 comment:

  1. I'll trade sunshine for elephants Anytime or maybe a little of both! Swimming is a blessing in itself! A few more snakes ,some rubber duckies , it could be Pe Ell
