Monday, March 19, 2012

COPE Kittens...oh my

 COPE has a couple of cats that adopted us. They have a pretty good life, hanging out at the COPE visitors centre, bumming food and snuggles where they can. Recently, the beloved Bombi (named after a UXO) gave birth to four snuggly little kittens. She did this in a little loft about the COPE visitors center. So, of course, we've all been sneaking away on a regular basis to get some kitten time. I'm so very tempted to steal one and take it home. Ollie may not appreciate this news but maybe he doesn't need to know.
 The only issue is that when I leave Lao, what happens to my adopted feline friend? I do have a veterinarian for a housemate so maybe she would take over kitty duty. I'm not quite sure yet, but I'm leaning toward adopting a new snuggly friend. I guess it just goes to show how much I miss sweet little Ollie.
 Here I am doing some serial casting for a woman with severe wrist and hand contractures. I have tried to convince the Lao staff to take my lead and take over her care, but they seem hesitant. Not sure if that's because they are unsure of how to do it or if they just don't want any more work. I'm still trying to figure out how to read and communicate with them.

This poor woman has some of the most deformed hands I'm ever seen and she's very young. She has a diagnoses of some kind of syndrome but the visiting orthopod doesn't seem to think it lines up with her presentation. Anyway, not many surgical options. Arthrodesis of the fingers in a functional position. Patient refused this so we're keeping casting and try to get as functional as possible. Oh the joys of Laos.

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